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Essential Oil Resources


Below are links to helpful resources to help you learn about and use your oils well! 

Register for a free account at and search through thousands of testimonials about Young Living oils and products. Search by keyword or by oil name. You are sure to find an insightful testimoniy to satisfy your curiosity!

Young Living's awesome interactive website showcasing their proprietary Seed to Seal process. Wonderful videos and interactive links to be able to see the farms and distilleries and explain each step of the process in detail!

A search engine that filters all results to be specific to Young Living oils and products! 

Dr. Cole Woolley, PhD - Seed to Seal Steward

The Facebook page of Dr. Cole Woolley - Young Living's Seed to Seal Steward. Dr. Woolley travels the world overseeing Young Living's partner farms and scoping out new locations for Young Living to acquire farmland to increase production and supply of the world's best essential oils. 

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